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Johnathan Saint Nicholas Montgomery III (January 26, 1890 - October 26, 2022) was the grandson of Emperor Johnathan Saint Nicholas Montgomery, the stepfather of Supreme Leader Timothy Max Roosevelt, and the father of only two children, Samantha A. Montgomery and Johnathan Saint Nicholas Montgomery IV.

He was politically active, he was a conservative supporter of the Republican Party of the United States and he was converted in the Russian Orthodox Faith and he was Native Alaskan, one of the Europeanized Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, he witnessed both World War 1 and World War 2, he supported Ronald Reagan and he was the biggest enemy of Libertarianism, Liberalism, and Progressivism, he was also the biggest enemy of Socialism and Communism, Montgomery was deeply religious, a man who looked into the Orthodox Bible, but his sister was a Christian Fundamentalist, which Montgomery opposed because he believed in loving the sinner, but not the sin itself, he was widely religious, the person who opposed many societal issues the Liberals support, like Abortion, Gay Rights and Secular State.

Montgomery condemned abortion as murder and he condemned both Homosexuality and Homosexuals to hell fundamentally, which he believed forever all his life.

But on April 23, 2016, he started re-educating himself and then talking to other people about his problems that he wanted to solve after realizing that he was very outrageous and he wanted to change his religious beliefs, his politics and more.

Montgomery contacted with many and many Democrats, different types of Christians and even the United Church of Christ, on April 23, 2016 also, he announced to his family that he wanted to move to another faith, apologized to his oldest child, Shannon and realized that it was too late to Apologize to his son because his son died in March of 2016.

He on June 1, 2016, announced his change of heart and change of self and he realized that he wasted his life on being insane.

Montgomery would be a perfect example of the awareness of religious fundamentalism and in Chawosauria, he has influenced the Chawosaurian Awareness of Religious Fundamentalism.

On July 5, 2016, Johnathan was the first to announce that Jonathan Antonio Beshiltheeni passed away on the same day, on July 11, 2016, he took pride in calling for a moment of silence. On July 20, 2016, on the second anniversary of the death of Samantha Roosevelt, he lays a rose on her gravesite.

Early Life[]

Johnathan Saint Montgomery iii (1901)

Johnathan, aged 12 (right) and Berruguete Leonardo Montgomery (left) in 1902 in Portland, Oregon.

Birth and Childhood[]

Johnathan Montgomery was born in the city and capital of Copenhagen, in the Danish Colonial Empire, on January 26, 1890, he was born in a village called, Cape Dorset, Canada, he was raised by his father's spiritual orthodox beliefs, however, his father left his father's indigenous religion to eastern orthodoxy.

Education and Religious Study[]

Montgomery studied the Orthodox Bible many times, he rejects all forms of science, including biology, physical science and more, Montgomery went to Russia to study for a degree in the Orthodox Community.

Montgomery was religiously radicalized by his Christian Fundamentalist Father and was conservatized by his Conservative Mother, as a Christian Fundamentalist, he opposes a church and state separation, he supports religious right, such as the rule and domination of biblical law, including Mosaic Law (Law of Moses), and in 1909, he demanded to impose the death penalty for sins such as Homosexuality, Adultery, Incest, Rape, Bestiality, Witchcraft, Idolatry and Apostasy, and also Blasphemy, his puritanism has led him to ridicule and anger from others, however, Montgomery concerned his religious elders, but as time was different, impressed his religious elders by his biblical intelligence.

Political Beliefs[]

Montgomery wanted a theocratic country, when the Russian Empire fell under the soviets in 1917, Montgomery was outraged, he wanted Russia to stay a religious theocracy, he believed in religious right, which he joined the Republican Party of the United States, he did not believed in religious tolerance, especially those who don't believe in Russian Orthodoxy like he did.

Family and Children[]

Second Montgomery Family

Johnathan Montgomery with his wife and his daughter, Shannon Lincoln, and Johnathan iiii would not be born until 1930, this image was taken in 1926.

Montgomery married in 1916, he married Christine Lincoln, he became the adopting stepfather of young Timothy Max Roosevelt and also, he bored Christine two children, Shannon and Johnathan. When his wife died in 1932, he raised his children, however, Johnathan was raised under his father's conservatism and eastern orthodoxy, Shannon was raised under her mother's Lutheran faith, but when Christine died, Montgomery tried to assimilate Shannon into Russian Orthodoxy, he used beatings to discipline his kids and used the bible to justify beatings, he believed in converting people into his faith and raise his children under the standards of his Russian Orthodoxy. When his children became grown and old enough to take care of themselves, he finally had time to rest.

The Montgomery Family were the family of Chawosauria's most feared villain.

Career in Chawosauria[]

Montgomery was developing a Citizenship and Membership to Chawosauria in 1916, to support the Christianization of Chawosauria, which was interrupted and stopped by his stepson unexpectedly, because of the 1940s turned into a nightmare of the Chawosaurians, Montgomery's Membership was vacant in 1945. He used his stepfather and step-grandfather as a tool to enter Chawosauria.

Eastern Christianity Studies[]

Montgomery studied Eastern Christian Studies, he attended a Russian Orthodox Religious University from 1894 to 1904, he became converted to Eastern Christianity under the Russian Orthodox Faith, and he met the Patriarch, however, however, Montgomery became intelligent with Religion, described every book of the Bible and also his obedience to the lord from Montgomery was very outstanding.

Montgomery studied and believed in Genesis, Revelations, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and so many more, Montgomery could name all books of the Bible, particular those most Protestants or Catholics and others don't read.

See also[]
